Ogasawara Foundation was established on July 1, 2015 according to the wishes of deceased Tadamune Ogasawara, 32nd successor of Ogasawara Soriyo family, Kokura Domain feudal lord in Buzen Province, for the purpose of spreading, promoting,
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To spread, promote, develop the Japanese traditional culture, and nurture the human resources, as well as promote healthy development and promotion of the regional communities through the Japanese traditional culture, thus eventually contribute to peace and, , , , ,
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Ogasawara Foundation is pushing forward the preparation to acquire authorization from Prime Minister to switch to public interest incorporated foundation. Therefore the Foundation is scheduled to start in 2023 furtherance activities such as,
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Please fill the application form to be sent from us, and send it by mail to the secretariat office of the Foundation. The application form is to be downloaded from our home page.
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Mission of the Foundation
The Japanese culture that has sometimes become the driving force of the industrial promotion, adhering to our lives, is gradually fading in our hearts.
The exceptionally strong economic growth in the modern times which Japan had achieved was made possible on the root of the culture that had matured by the Edo era.
It is expected to dispatch the information on the Japanese culture to the future of Japan. In addition, the traditional culture brought up through interchange with foreign countries is breathing for approximately 2000 years, but the local leading figures supporting it are decreasing year by year.
We think that it is important for Japanese in the future to breed the feeling to understand the culture in the native districts and love the home land. For this purpose the people should positively try to understand the culture and tradition of Japan, and build up the society able to utilize them.
Fixing the eyes on the tradition of the Japanese culture, we will endeavor to create and develop the new culture and arts based on the tradition, and bring up our successors for them. Thus we will make the social contribution through the activities of the Foundation, leading to peace and prosperity of the human society.
Chief DirectorFoundation
Takeo Yamada