Ogasawara Foundation is pushing forward the preparation to acquire authorization from Prime Minister to switch to public interest incorporated foundation. Therefore the Foundation is scheduled to start in 2023 furtherance activities such as the subscription for donations for the purpose of spreading, promoting, developing the Japanese traditional culture and nurturing the human resources. We are preparing the details to be read in our home page.

Application method for the donation
Please fill the application form to be sent from us, and send it by mail to the secretariat office of the Foundation. The application form is to be downloaded from our home page.
Tax preferential treatment
The donation to Ogasawara Foundation does not correspond to a donation subtraction object of income tax law Article 37 Clause 4. Be careful as the donator can not receive tax preferential treatment. Specifically, please see the home page(http://www.nta.go.jp/)of National Tax Administration Agency.
Privacy policy
The personal information provided at the time of the donation will never be made open to any third party without the permission from the donator unless it is required by the laws. We try for a hedge of loss, wash away and unauthorized access. Please refer for any questions to the secretariat office of the Foundation. In addition, we ask your acceptance that there may be a case we do not issue the receipt for the donation in case we are not provided with the personal information.